A robust JavaScript framework called Angular can be used to create intricate and dynamic online apps. However, Angular applications may become sluggish and unresponsive if improperly optimised.
We'll go over several pointers and strategies in this post for enhancing the efficiency of your Angular applications. These suggestions cover some novel approaches unrelated to signals in addition to the well-known ones.
To iterate over a set of data and render a template for each item, utilise the ngFor directive. Performance issues could arise, though, if the collection is big.
You can track changes to the collection using the trackBy attribute to enhance performance. By doing this, Angular won't have to render the whole template again for every item in the collection.
Using the lazy loading strategy, you can load only the components that are actually needed at that particular moment. By decreasing the size of the initial bundle that the browser downloads, this can aid in performance improvement.
Each component that is lazily-loaded needs to have its own module in order to use lazy loading. When the component is required, you can utilise the router to load the module.
To render a template conditionally, use the ngIf directive. Performance issues could arise, though, if the expression used to regulate the template's visibility is complicated.
You should refrain from using ngIf with complex expressions if you want performance to increase. The ngSwitch or ngTemplate directives ought to be used in their place.
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To keep track of modifications to the application state, Angular employs change detection. On the other hand, performance issues may arise if change detection is utilised excessively.
You can apply the OnPush change detection approach to enhance performance. This approach simply looks for modifications in response to explicit changes made to the application state.
By default, Angular employs immutable data structures. This implies that a new copy of a data structure is made whenever a modification is made to it. By sparing Angular from having to keep track of the modifications to the data structure, this can aid in enhancing efficiency.
Through the use of an AOT compilation technique, Angular is able to compile the application code in advance. By lessening the amount of work the browser must do while the application loads, this can aid in improving performance.
You must enable AOT compilation in the Angular CLI in order to use it. You can accomplish this by executing the subsequent command:
ng build –aot
The method known as Angular Universal makes it possible for Angular applications to be rendered on the server. Users with sluggish connections may benefit from improved performance as a result of this.
Installing the Angular Universal package and turning it on in the Angular CLI are prerequisites for using Angular Universal. You can accomplish this by executing the subsequent command:
ng add @angular/universal
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A library called RxJS offers a JavaScript reactive programming API. Because it makes handling asynchronous events easier, reactive programming can help Angular apps run more smoothly.
Angular 16 introduces a new feature called signals that may be utilised to increase performance. Reactive values that show changes are known as signals. This implies that when a value changes, you can utilise signals to alert other components of your programme. By cutting down on pointless change detection cycles, this can assist to enhance performance.
To get notified when a user hits a button, for instance, you may utilise a signal in your application. By doing this, Angular wouldn't have to render the complete template each time the button is pressed.
Modern browsers come with a capability called Web Workers that lets you run code in the background. This can free up CPU-intensive operations into the background, which can help Angular applications run more smoothly.
You can find the parts of your application that are generating performance issues by using performance profiling tools. These tools can display the amount of time that is being spent on various application components as well as the frequency of re-rendering your application.
By shortening the distance that the application code must travel to reach the user's browser, using a CDN to serve your Angular application can assist to improve its performance.